I’ve tried several penis extenders over the last few years, but they’ve all been painful and uncomfortable to wear and ended up being a waste of money.
So, when I heard about the Phallosan Forte, which uses a suction bell instead of a noose like strap to extend your penis I decided to give it a try.
They say that it’s a safe and painless, research backed way to increase the size of your penis by an inch or more.
But does it really work?
Carry on reading to find out!
What Is the Phallosan Forte?
Before we talk about the ‘Plus’ version, let me explain what the Phallosan Forte is.
The Phallosan Forte is a penis extender that uses a suction bell to form a painless vacuum around the head of your penis.
You then attach it to a strap that goes around your waist which elongates and stretches your penis in a safe and painless manner.
When used consistently for several months, this elongation helps to permanently increase the size of your penis.
Now you know what the Phallosan Forte is, lets talk about the ‘Plus’ version.
The Phallosan Forte Plus
Due to popular demand the Phallosan Forte Plus was launched in 2018. It’s kind of an upgrade/addon to the original.
Here’s a quick video explaining it:
The ‘Plus’ is an optional extra that allows the Phallosan Forte to function like a normal extender instead of a strap that goes around your waist.
Here’s what it looks like:

Most experts agree that a normal extender with rods on the side is best when it comes to increasing the size of your penis.
But most of these extenders are uncomfortable to wear because they use a noose like strap that goes around the head of your penis to extend it.
The Phallosan Forte Plus solves this problem by combining the classic extender with the painless suction bell to elongate your penis.
This means a painless experience and results you can count on.
When you buy the Phallosan Forte Plus you also get the strap which is great for wearing at night.
Now you know what it is, let’s talk about how it works!
How Does the Phallosan Forte Plus Work?
The Phallosan Forte works by stretching your penis which causes your body to create new cells and growth.
It uses a suction bell device to hold onto the end of your penis instead of a noose like other devices.
Using a suction bell instead of a noose makes the Phallosan Forte gentle and comfortable to wear so you can wear it for long periods, and it means it can be used on all penis sizes.
It’s important to wear it for as long as possible as you’ll see in a minute.
The Science Behind the Phallosan Forte

The science behind the Phallosan Forte has been published in peer-reviewed medical journals and has stood up to scientific scrutiny.
This 2005 clinical study carried out by a German urological clinic found that after just three months, test patients who regularly used a Phallosan Forte experienced:
- Growth in both penis length and girth.
- Enhanced sensitivity.
- Harder erections.
- Enhanced pleasure sensation.
- A reduction in penis curvature.
The average results of the test patients depended on how long they wore the Phallosan Forte each day.
Patients who wore it for 6 hours per day, 5 days a week, experienced average gains of:
- 6 cm (1.41 inches) more length in their non-erect penis.
- 9 cm (1.14 inches) more length in their erect penis.
Patients who wore the Phallosan Forte for 9 hours per day, 6 days a week, experienced average gains of:
- 9 cm (1.9 inches) more length in their non-erect penis.
- 0 cm (1.47 inches) more length in their erect penis.
So, it seems like the longer you wear it for each day the better results you will get.
You can download and read the complete study on the Phallosan Forte website here.
What are customers saying about it though?
Phallosan Forte Reviews
Before I bought one for myself, I wanted to see what real customers were saying.
It turns out that customers genuinely seem to like it and there are tons of glowing reviews for it.
Like ‘MiamiStud’ who gained half an inch in erect length his first month!

Or Tahir who went from 6.5 inches to 6.75 inches in 2 months:

And this customer gained half an inch as-well, and he only used it for 3 hours per day.

There are tons more reviews worth checking out on the official website as well. Just go to the testimonials section.
After being impressed by the science and the reviews I decided to order the Phallosan Forte Plus and give it a try myself.
My Phallosan Forte Plus Results

My order arrived quickly and was discreetly packaged.
Everything was in order, and I made sure to read through all the instructions and watch the video on how to put it on before using it.
Here’s what happened:
- At first, I found it a bit tricky to put on and had to rewatch the instructional video a couple of times but after a few tries I realized it’s really easy to put on.
- I used the Phallosan Forte waist strap at night and the ‘Plus’ extender version during the day. The original belt strap version is the easier one to use of the two.
- One of the first things I noticed was just how comfortable it is to wear. You could even call it pleasant. It was a big difference to the old extender I used to use which cut the circulation off to the end of my penis and made it go numb.
- Anyway, because it was comfortable, I was able to wear it a lot. Some night’s when I was sleeping and pretty much every day.
- After a couple of weeks, I noticed that my erections were rock solid and way harder than usual.
- After one month I had gained almost half an inch.
- After three months, I’d gained one inch in erect length and about an inch and a half in flaccid length.
When I started, I was just over 5 inches in erect length and now I am just over 6 inches, so I’m extremely impressed with the Phallosan Forte!
My confidence is up, my sex drive is through the roof, my erections are harder, and it really did make my penis bigger, so I think it’s well worth the money and I wish I had bought one sooner.
The biggest advantage is that it’s so much more comfortable than other penis extenders that use loops or nooses.
It almost feels nice to wear. And it really works!
It may take a little while to master putting it on but once you get used to it, you’ll realize it’s easy to put on.
Quick Tip: When you’re not using it, sprinkle some talcum powder onto the condom sleaves. It will make them last longer and make them easier to put on when you next use them.
Don’t forget, the Phallosan Forte comes with a 14-day money back guarantee. This gives you 2 weeks to try it out and decide if it’s right for you!
Click here to go straight to the official website and see what the Phallosan Forte can do for you!
The post Phallosan Forte Plus Review – I Tried It! Here’s My Results. appeared first on The Village Voice.
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